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Psalms 139:14  


Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Creed 


I am a woman who is fearfully & Wonderfully Made!

I walk in the beauty of Love

I am a Proverbs 31 woman – My Children and others

Call me blessed

I am a woman of strength and courage


I am one who uses my hands and my mouth to build up

And not tear down others


I have learned the value of my worth

I walk confidently in my Godly nature

I am one who never compares myself to others

Because I know the gifts locked within my Spiritual Identity

I am eager to help others in need my days and nights are filled with Joy


I continually seek ways to bless others and to obtain Godly wisdom


I am a vessel of honor and virtue


Each day I live, I strive to glorify my heavenly Father

Because of Him I am Fearfully & Wonderfully Made!

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Psalm 139:14 “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”

The idea was given by divine revelation while attending a Women Encouraging Woman’s group, led by Pastor Shonda Kirk who blessed the local military and Japanese communities from 2015 - 2018.


Knowing that Pastor Kirk and her family would be moving to a new location, in order to continue supporting the local communities, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made was established in January of 2018 by Tacoma Anderson.

The purpose of this group is to continue to run with the vision of


Inspiring – Encouraging – Impacting


Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Foundation was established June 2020 by Dr. Tacoma R. Anderson. The lives of woman of every nation through the fellowship and sharing of God’s love and Holy word.

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made is to remind every woman that she is created for a specific purpose and she is full of vision, ideas, love and divine purpose.


It is a safe place for woman of all walks of life to come and share life experiences, encourage others on their spiritual and natural process and an opportunity for those to learn of the love, reverence and will of the Word of God through sharing of experiences where faith has caused us to develop in our unique and distinct Character that is a testament of God’s divine will, purpose and Love.


It is a place to receive love, strength and encouragement and inspiration to follow the God given dream and vision that He has placed in your heart that will bless others through your special gifts.

FWM- is a group of woman coming together in the spirit of unity, bond of love, spirit of peace sharing and discovering the unique greatness that is residing in each of us and inspiring the sharing of that beautiful gift to be a blessing to all we encounter!


 Fearfully and Wonderfully made is a ® registered trademarks. Copyright © 2017 LLC. All rights reserved

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